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Bell Schedule

BREAKFAST/LUNCH: K-5 will be provided at recess. All students receive free and reduced breakfast and lunch at Beswick Elementary. If you choose to pack a nutritious lunch from home, please send students to school with their bagged lunch in the mornings. We will not be accepting any lunches brought to the office.

TIMELY PICK-UP: It is very important that all students are picked up on time. Be sure to call the office at (714) 730-7385 as soon as possible if there is a problem causing a late pick up for your child. The office cannot provide supervision for your children after school. We appreciate timely pick up of students.

WEDNESDAYS: Minimum Day dismissal is 1:20 PM for TK and kindergarten and 1:26 PM for grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  

LATE PICK-UP: Should your child be picked up after 2:40 p.m. (or 1:40 on Wednesdays), he/she will  need to be signed out of the office by an adult who is on the emergency contact list. The office staff is not able to send students out to a car or person upon receiving a phone call or a request to do so. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with avoiding late pick-ups and ensuring student safety. *Please have a form of identification to verify.

TO AND FROM SCHOOL:  Please be sure to speak to your child about going straight to school in the morning and straight home after school. If you have established an off campus pick-up location with your child, we encourage you to arrive no later than 2:40 p.m. to pick him/her up. Please encourage your child to let the office know immediately if there are problems with strangers, animals, friends, etc..., on the way to and from school. Let him/her know that we are a community and here to help.

WALKERS: Parents are asked to support our efforts to teach children to respect the property of others. Lawns, shrubbery, and trees adjacent to walkways are not to be damaged. Students walking to school are encouraged to walk with a friend and to always use crosswalks. A crossing guard will help students cross Newport Avenue at Mitchell and Mitchell Avenue in front of the school at the crosswalk. Students are forbidden to cross Mitchell anyplace other than the crosswalks. Please review safety practices.

BICYCLES/SKATEBOARDS/ROLLERBLADES/RAZOR SCOOTERS: Bikes may be ridden to and from school by 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students only unless younger students are accompanied by an adult. Helmets and bike locks are required. The school is not responsible for stolen bicycles. Bicycles must be locked inside the fenced area. Bike riding is not permitted on school grounds.

2024-2025 Bell Schedule


Tk and Kindergarten

8:00-9:45 Instruction

9:45-10:00 Nutrition break

10:00-11:45 Instruction

11:45-12:30 Lunch|Eat/Play

12:30-1:27 Instruction

**Minimum Day: 1:20 on Wednesdays

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grades

8:00-9:40 Instruction

9:40-9:55 Nutrition Break/Recess

9:55-11:45 Instruction

11:45-12:30 Lunch| Eat/Play

12:30-2:17 Instruction

**Minimum Day: 1:26 on Wednesdays

4th and 5th Grades

8:00-9:55 Instruction

9:55-10:10 Nutrition Break/Recess

10:10-12:30 Instruction

12:30-1:15 Lunch| Eat/Play

1:15-2:17 Instruction

**Minimum Day: 1:26 on Wednesdays